Tuesday 22 January 2013

Gavvalu (Sweet shells)


2 cups of maida flour(all purpose flour)
1/4 tsp of salt
2 tbsp of melted ghee
2-3 tbsp of water(approximately)
Oil for deep frying
3/4 cup of sugar


In a mixing bowl add sifted Maida flour, salt, ghee and mix well. Add little amount of water at a time to make dough.( Make sure the dough is not too soft or too hard)
Cover the dough and rest it for around 5-10 minutes.
Now take a small amount of dough and prepare shell shape with your thumb and pointer fingers. (Or make a small dough ball, press it on the back side of fork and remove it from the opposite direction)
Repeat the same procedure for all the dough.
Keep the shells aside and heat oil for deep frying, fry them in batches for around 4-5 minutes(each batch) on medium to low flame.
After frying remove them into a bowl, keep them aside.

Heat another pan, add sugar and 2tsps of water and let them boil till you get two string consistency.
Add the fried shells to the sugar syrup, mix well.
Once the shells are coated nicely. Transfer them on to another plate and let them cool down.
Store in an airtight container and consume within 2 weeks.