Tuesday 5 February 2013

Nuvvula laddu (Til ke laddu)

1 cup of sesame seeds
1 cup of jaggery
2 tbsp of water
1 tbsp of ghee
1/3 tsp of cardamom powder

Dry roast the sesame seeds and keep them aside. Add grated (or powdered) jaggery to the hot pan, stir occasionally and make sure that the jaggery won't burn at the bottom.
When the jaggery is completely melted add water and cardamom powder.
When the syrup starts bubbling, take a bowl of cool water and put a drop of syrup in it, if the syrup forms a ball then the syrup is ready.
Now add roasted sesame seeds and mix well, remove the mixture onto a plate.
Apply some ghee to your palms and start preparing lemon size balls when the mixture is warm.
(if the mixture cools down it is very difficult to prepare laddus

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